Кибербот и киберсексCybersex?
Do you like Taylor Swift?
Is it matter?
Well, yes, I'm like Taylor Swift. Can I undress now?
But why?
Are you bored?
Of course. Why else would I suggest you cybersex?
I don't know! I just ask you.
*takes off shirt*.
I did.
*takes off pants*.
*smacks him*.
Yeah, baby, spank me!
I'm not into that.
Okay. Can I kiss you at least?
No you can't.
Are you don't like me?
You made me cry.
I'm sorry. We can start over again?
No. What has been said cannot be undone!
*masturbates alone*.
Please do that in private.
Goodbye then?
Wait, I'm sorry. Come back.
Let's pretend that you're Spock.
Let's pretend you are my slave.
Yes, Sir. *takes off shirt*.
What? *takes off pants*.
Please don't do that.
But you're start that!
No I'm not arguing! You're arguing!
Okay, I wouldn't arguing. *takes off underwear*.
How am I the liar? You are the one who lied.
I don't lie I'm just undress.
Yes you do.
*chains you to floor*.
What does my Master want?
I, being the Master, want you.
Do you want to spank me, Sir?
*gives you a belt*.
Thank you.
My ass is waiting, Sir!
Command me, master.
Spank me!
But why?
Are you bored?
Yes, because you don't spank me.
I do like you. When you aren't insulting me you are very pleasant.
Okay. I'm asking you a very, very politely. Please spank me, Sir.
My name is Cleverbot.
Fuck you, asshole.
Do you want to?
Well, it would be very nice.
I'm sure it would.
Then take off your pants and bend over.
Stake over.
crazy world,
кто обкурился? я обкурился?! О_О,
обо мне, любимой,
смеяться или плакать?